Meals served in October 2019 were 4,753. Meals served from July 1st (the start of our fiscal year) through Oct. 31st were 19,153.
“Meals served are running about 5% over last year,” reports Director Ed Morgan.
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Thanksgiving is fast approaching and MMWSK is in need of the following: turkeys, stuffing, corn, peas, coffee.
“Last Year we served 214 meals on Thanksgiving,” Ed notes. “Thank you for all that you do to support this very important Mission.”
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He offered “special thanks” to Notre Dame Elementary School for the donation of 50 bagged lunches for distribution on Oct. 8, 2019.
“Also, thanks to Liz Kearns and the Confirmation Class of Our Lady of the Rosary for preparing and serving a pancake breakfast on October 27 for those who visited the soup kitchen.”
They served a total of 164 meals.
“Thank you and God Bless!”