Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen and Boutique received a big boost just in time for Santa’s visit, thanks to Notre Dame Junior/Senior High School.

As part of its “Fill the Notre Dame Van for Mother Marianne” project for Advent, the Notre Dame Campus Ministry team brought new wrapped Christmas toys for the children’s Christmas party. The Notre Dame contingent also donated $500 raised from the Campus Ministry bake sale and donated a variety of new and unused clothing to be given to those in need. Robert McQueen is director of campus ministry.

Notre Dame senior Trey Murnane and his mother are both volunteers at the boutique.

This effort, school officials said, was accomplished by the student body, faculty and staff doing God’s work.

Volunteers and Notre Dame students
Volunteers and Notre Dame students gathered for a photo after the students delivered the gifts and other donations. The volunteers are Nancy Robert, Mary Gearhart, Phyllis Grillo, Lynda Briggs, Julie Crandall, Andrea Meredith, Rich Signorelli. The two volunteers in the front row are Anne McNaughtob and Vicky Riordan.