Non-perishable food and cash donations to benefit Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen will be collected during the Utica St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 15
The parade committee announced that Adorino Construction and Croabh Dugan-O’Looney were teaming up once again for the 16th Annual Food Drive to benefit the soup kitchen.
“Last year, we set a record by donating over $4,000 and truckloads of non-perishable food items,” the announcement said. “Let’s see if we can beat that this year!”
“We invite you to bring a non-perishable food item or cash donation to the parade, and look for our team with wheelbarrows and buckets – you won’t miss us! Your generosity helps us feed our neighbors in need and tackle food insecurity in the community. Thank you for your support!”
The parade steps off at Oneida Square at 10 a.m. on March 15 and heads north on Genesee Street.